Corner of Mill & Market Streets (Duff's Corner)
Photo courtesy of Jeanie Jones Lumpkin
Duff Killian in front of garage - 1956
Photo courtesy of Judy Killian Stetler
First Danville mural at Riverview Park (bridge entrance - behind former Riverview Hotel)
Second Danville mural at corner of Mill Street & Route 11) or catty-cornered from the Montgomery House)
Third Danville mural - mid-Mill Street (Pappas's on right)
Corner of Mill & Market Streets - Duff Killian's Garage - Early l950's Photo by Kay Derr
Le Tresor 59
The Danville High School
Class of l959
Did you know...
that our high school colors were exclusively selected for a purpose? We all know that orange and purple are the colors of the sunset. But did you know that their selection has its origin in Danville's iron heritage? Iron, while hot, is the color orange. When cooled, it turns to purple! Thus, our upper, upper classmen creatively and wisely chose our school colors!